Larry Benjamin’s Photos

Hi, welcome to my website. Please click on the thumbnails below or the headings above to enter each gallery

I am a recently retired Eye surgeon (July 2022) with a life-long passion for photography. The eye is often likened to a camera and having spent a working lifetime treating eye conditions, it has made me hugely appreciative of the images that both the eye and the camera can produce. Trying to portray our 3D world in two dimensions is always a challenge and one which I really enjoy.

Since 2004 I have worked with the NGO Orbis (the Flying Eye Hospital) which has taken me to many parts of the developing world. I continue to work with them and from any sales I make from prints on this site I will contribute 50% to Orbis. Click the link above to take a virtual tour of this incredible aeroplane.

If you are interested in purchasing any prints please get in touch via the contacts page -50% of all sales donated to Orbis UK to help treat and prevent blindness

I enjoy most genres of photography and hope you enjoy looking at these pictures as much as I enjoyed making them.